The historical
flower bulb garden of the Netherlands

Open from March 28 to May 16

Enjoy a large collection of Dutch spring bloomers

The Hortus Bulborum is the only garden in the world with a huge collection of historic spring bulbous plants. Over 4,500 different varieties of tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses and Fritillarias display their beautiful colors in spring.

Opening hours

Monday through Saturday

10:00 – 17:00


12:00 – 17:00

Kom alles te weten over de geschiedenis van de tulp
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21 maart opening Hortus!
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What makes Hortus Bolborum so special?

What is unique about this garden is that it contains hundreds of varieties of flower bulbs dating back well before 1990, which are hardly grown commercially anymore, if at all. The oldest species date back to the sixteenth century, such as Fritillaria Persica from 1577. Legendary tulips such as “Duc van Tol Red and Yellow “from 1595, the tulip “Zomerschoon” from 1620- hugely popular during the tulip mania – and the whimsical parakeet tulip “Perfecta “from 1750 can still be admired.

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Stop by

Zuidkerkenlaan 23A
1906 AC Limmen,
Municipality of Castricum